DigiMon platform
Fast and ongoing Monitoring, ultra-fast counter measures direct entry of results via charts and diagrams are just some of the reasons why many SME’s today choose DigiMon as their go-to platform.

24/7 system monitoring
24/7 System Monitoring is key as Cybersecurity Threats continue to be a major issue for both businesses and individuals with an uncounted number of incoming cyber-attacks every day (The Global State of Information Security Survey 2017).
24/7 System Monitoring is an elementary part of Strategic IT-Planning and means building capabilities to conquer and minimize possible Cyber Threats. The question is not if an attack will happen rather than when it will be.
Too many companies consider technical measures as sufficient, but they are wrong.
Often businesses, not taking into account reckless human behavior due to lack of awareness, ending up floundering. The reason is that these companies did not have a Risk Management in mind, an IT-Security Plan and hence lack of staff education.
Reliable & Safe
Up-to-Date Dashboard
Through the use of an automated monitoring and risk management system, a client’s account is always up-to-date.
Segregated Client Accounts
Client’s monitoring accounts are segregated access areas with top-level protection.
Second-to-None Transparency Policy
Our enhanced Transparency Policy ensures that the client receives a transparent price feed, detailed reports, transparent historical data, and up-to-date market information at all times.
High-Value Assets protected
On a daily basis, with dedicated 24/7 Pickett Service, we protect the High-Value Assets of our clients – in Switzerland and abroad.
Why businesses & SME choose us
No Dealing Desk
With DIGITELLIGENCE you’ll get no re-quotes in case of incidents and fair monitoring.
Onside & Cloud
Receive premium support in the cloud and on premises by Cyber Security IT-Experts.
State of the Art
We deliver one of the best Monitoring Platforms to your desktop or mobile device.
Range of sectors and industries
Tax & Legal
Our Monitoring Systems are designed to prevent the lost of sensitive data.
Financial Sector
Securing your systems against snooping into client’s data is key.
Take advantage of our advanced platforms and transparency policy to protect industry knowledge.
Dealing with large amounts of Data.